Thursday, November 8, 2012

Re-Adjusting My Sails

So a few weeks ago, a couple of friends of mine suggested that I start a blog. There are a couple ladies that we follow online and apparently they think that I would be just as good at this as them and have something worthwhile to say. lol

I have been thinking about it ever since and when I saw this quote today on Facebook, I knew that would be my inspiration:

"She stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her away, she adjusted her sails." - Elizabeth Edwards

I just love that quote and it was exactly what I was looking for.  How profound! Elizabeth Edwards was an amazing lady and I only hope that I can live by her example.

So, anyway, I don't know if I can live up to my buddies' expectations but I am going to give it a go. Not sure of a direction or a subject or a set of rules for the blog at this point, so I am just going to wing it. 

If you are here and reading, welcome! I hope to chronicle everyday life as a middle-aged single mom who is struggling to raise her kids, work a full time job, keep the faith and lose some weight in the process. LOL As with the other blogs that my friends and I read, maybe somewhere and someday it will help inspire some lovely lady to either keep on doing what she's doing or to make a change for the better. 

I can't promise to always be PC. I can't promise that I won't pull any punches or tell it like it is. This is MY story and you will either like it or you won't. I hope that you read and if you like it, subscribe and/or leave a comment. I am looking forward to sharing a little piece of me with you and to hearing back from you in the process.

Thanks for stopping by.



  1. You can do it... And do it for yourself! Looking forward to reading more. I struggle with 'adjusting my sails'. Somedays I get it right...and somedays I feel those sails slapping me in the face. Just keep on keeping on. :-)

  2. Yeah! You manage to inspire me everyday with your strength and courage! I am so excited to get to peak inside your heart through your blog :)!!!!

  3. Love it!..Copied the quote when I saw it..cant wait to see the new art work..what a vision!!That said..profile needs way I can have a middle aged daughter! Webster says "Middle age..Human age.. between 40 and 60" in a hurry? You are a YOUNG mom ...keep tweakin' the sails..!!! Love ya

  4. Well what can I say, I have watched you grow and blossom. Now I get to watch you let your children bloom. I read this quote and thought of you.."Life is short, do what needs to be done to get yourself on the path you want..." I am looking forward to reading all about the path you and your children will be taking....LY - Your Moms BFF
